Introducing SharedCity
Inspired by the love and interest in other cultures, three friends, proud of their mixed heritage background, founded SharedCity. Their common objective being one: celebrate multicultural London.
The basic idea behind SharedCity is simple. It offers day trips and workshops to enablle people to experience a variety of world cultures - but, without ever leaving London! Countries and themes include: Jewish London, Islamic London, Buddhist London, Turkey, Brazil and Portugal, Italy, Norway and Finland, Japan, India and the Middle East.
Tours are a combination of food and culture - a bit like a mini holiday where ‘passengers’ get to experience breathtaking monuments, shopping tips as well as get to learn the basics of the culture pertaining to SharedCity. For example, an Indian tour includes delicious street food and a traditional vegetarian thali in a typical Gujarati canteen - all tour guides originate from different countries and have lived in London for many years - they have a close affinity or come from the local communities.
Youmanity strongly believes SharedCity’s tours are highly educational, able to turn negative stereotypes into what promises to be a wonderful cultural diversity-promoting experience. It is worth noting that that research on the causes of racism founds that ignorance or fear of what is perceived ‘foreign’ alters, negatively, people’s attitudes towards others. Research also finds that the most effective way to change, positively, people’s attitudes is to learn about a ‘foreign’ culture. Food is the best way to learn about the mosaic of cultures which makes London capital of the world.
For this reason SharedCity’s trips and workshops are also designed for schools wanting to achieve or renew their International Schools Award. The tours perfectly complement the curriculum in Citizenship, Religious Studies or Modern Foreign Languages
A SharedCity trip or workshop is an eye-opening and fascinating experience, cementing British values where cultural differences are not a divide but celebratory unifying dimensions.
Read more about SharedCity HERE
Read on Attitude Change HERE